This isn’t a new trick. They have been around for a long time and have recently become a staple in the skateboarding industry. The best thing about them is that they are so versatile. You can have them as a part of any deck or even a pair of your own skates. I have a pair that I keep in the garage and I love how they feel in the hand.

I thought they were a great idea. I actually think they are more like a skateboarder’s hand. If you’re going to be skating, you need to not fall on them. If you’re going to skate, you need to do it right.

I’m currently using roller hockey wheels as part of my skateboard decks. They are great to skate with in the winter (I keep them in the garage and they are perfect for the snow!) and they are also very versatile. I can use them as a part of a deck, as a pair of skates, or I can even use them to make a pair of skates. The best part about them is that they can be used year round.