I’m pretty sure that bauer is the best skateboarder in the world. I mean, I probably don’t skate more than two at a time with bauer, but I’m pretty sure that it’s the right choice for me. I have a couple of skateboarders that are great for skating, so I’m glad I chose them. The one that I’m proud of is the one who is so much taller than me.

Im not sure about the height thing about bauer. Im pretty sure it is because he is so much taller than me, but i could be wrong.

The name of this skateboarder is ‘the big guy’ and im not sure how that came about. That’s the name of his skateboarder, because he was a big dude in the movies.

Why does bauer come up with it? Because in the trailer he is so tall, so much taller than me. The reason for it is because bauer was the one who got him killed. He is the one that got his death sentence, but that’s another story.

The reason he came up with the name is because he is a really tall guy. One of the things that has us all excited about this new bauer skates is that he is so much taller than any of us. We aren’t even that tall. Just that tall. With his oversized feet and long arms and legs, it really shows.

bauer is a skateboarder, so a bigger skater means more gravity, which is always good. In the trailer, bauer is super tall because its his own body that is being pulled by the ground. But what happens is that he is pushed up by his own body. He is not made of air, but his body is. That is what makes his skates so powerful. They are made of his own body. That is what makes them so powerful.

When I first saw bauer, it was like I was watching a movie. But he is not just a movie star, bauer is a movie star without a movie star. All he has is his body, and his body is not something to be used. With that being said, bauer is the most powerful skater in the whole game. And that is saying something. The most powerful skater in the whole game is bauer.

He is in the game just as much as every other player, so there is no question that bauer is the strongest skater in the game. But for those of us who have seen him play, it is clear that he is not without his flaws. bauer has an overuse of his body and a tendency to use his head as a hockey puck, which can be devastating when he is in the thick of things. But that is what makes him so powerful.

The most important part of bauer’s skating is his speed. It is just as important that he can skate to the next level, he can skate to the next level where he can actually skate to the next level. His speed is a major part of his work, so it is almost as important as his speed. But bauer has the advantage of using his body as a puck, so he has a very large advantage.

bauer’s speed is the most important part of his skating work, so it is almost as important as his speed. His speed is a major part of his work, so it is almost as important as his speed. The most important part of his skating work, so it is almost as important as his speed.