Photography is a powerful medium that captures moments, emotions, and stories. It allows us to freeze time and preserve memories. Class 11 students often study the poem “A Photograph” by Shirley Toulson as part of their English curriculum. This article aims to provide a comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the poem, exploring its themes, literary devices, and deeper meanings.

1. What is the central theme of the poem “A Photograph”?

The central theme of the poem “A Photograph” is the passage of time and the bittersweet nostalgia associated with it. The photograph acts as a trigger for the speaker’s memories, taking them back to a specific moment in the past.

2. Who is the poet of the poem “A Photograph”?

The poet of the poem “A Photograph” is Shirley Toulson. She was an English poet and writer, known for her evocative and introspective works.

3. What is the structure of the poem “A Photograph”?

The poem “A Photograph” consists of four stanzas, each containing four lines. It follows a regular rhyme scheme of ABBA, where the second and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme.

4. What are some literary devices used in the poem “A Photograph”?

The poem “A Photograph” employs various literary devices to enhance its meaning and impact. Some of these devices include:

  • Simile: The poet uses similes to create vivid imagery, such as “The sea holiday was her past, mine is her laughter.”
  • Metaphor: The photograph is metaphorically described as a “silent” and “still” moment captured in time.
  • Alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds, like in “the sweet / sweat scent” and “the sea / she.”
  • Enjambment: The continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, creating a sense of flow and movement.

5. What emotions does the poem “A Photograph” evoke?

The poem “A Photograph” evokes a range of emotions, including nostalgia, longing, and a sense of loss. It captures the speaker’s yearning to relive the past and the realization that time has moved on.

6. How does the poet explore the theme of time in “A Photograph”?

The poet explores the theme of time in “A Photograph” by juxtaposing the past and the present. The photograph serves as a visual representation of the past, while the speaker’s current reality is described through their memories and emotions.

7. What is the significance of the line “The cardboard shows me how it was”?

The line “The cardboard shows me how it was” emphasizes the power of the photograph as a tangible object that can transport the speaker back in time. It highlights the ability of photographs to preserve memories and provide a glimpse into the past.

8. How does the poem “A Photograph” relate to the universal human experience?

The poem “A Photograph” relates to the universal human experience by tapping into the common emotions of nostalgia and longing for the past. It reminds readers of their own memories and the fleeting nature of time.

9. Can you provide an analysis of the last stanza of the poem “A Photograph”?

The last stanza of the poem “A Photograph” reflects the speaker’s acceptance of the passage of time and the inevitability of change. It suggests that memories, although cherished, cannot bring back the past. The final line, “Nothing remains but itself,” implies that the photograph is the only tangible remnant of the past.

10. How does the poem “A Photograph” connect with the readers?

The poem “A Photograph” connects with readers by evoking their own memories and emotions. It reminds them of the transient nature of life and the importance of cherishing moments. The universal themes explored in the poem resonate with readers of all ages.


The poem “A Photograph” by Shirley Toulson captures the essence of nostalgia and the passage of time. Through its vivid imagery, literary devices, and exploration of universal themes, the poem resonates with readers and reminds them of the significance of memories. The questions and answers provided in this article offer a deeper understanding of the poem, allowing readers to appreciate its beauty and complexity.


  1. What is the central theme of the poem “A Photograph”?
    The central theme of the poem “A Photograph” is the passage of time and the bittersweet nostalgia associated with it.
  2. Who is the poet of the poem “A Photograph”?
    The poet of the poem “A Photograph” is Shirley Toulson.
  3. What is the structure of the poem “A Photograph”?
    The poem “A Photograph” consists of four stanzas, each containing four lines. It follows a regular rhyme scheme of ABBA.
  4. What are some literary devices used in the poem “A Photograph”?
    Some literary devices used in the poem include simile, metaphor, alliteration, and enjambment.
  5. What emotions does the poem “A Photograph” evoke?
    The poem “A Photograph” evokes nostalgia, longing, and a sense of loss.
  6. How does the poet explore the theme of time in “A Photograph”?
    The poet explores the theme of time by juxtaposing the past and the present, using the photograph as a visual representation of the past.
  7. What is the significance of the line “The cardboard shows me how it was”?
    The line emphasizes the power of the photograph as a tangible object that can transport the speaker back in time.
  8. How does the poem “A Photograph” relate to the universal human experience?
    The poem relates to the universal human experience by tapping into the common emotions of nostalgia and longing for the past.
  9. Can you provide an analysis of the last stanza of the poem “A Photograph”?
    The last stanza reflects the speaker’s acceptance of the passage of time and the inevitability of change.
  10. How does the poem “A Photograph” connect with the readers?</