The idea of “lacing hockey skates” is one I had not heard of until I was researching hockey and started thinking about it. I have always thought of lacing hockey skates as something you lace in the car as you drive. I have always thought of it as something you do at home, but when I started searching for the right words, I realized that I could apply the term “lacing hockey skates” to any activity.

My first thought was “why,” because I don’t think we’ve used that term before. I searched for the word “lace” and found a lot of links to lace your kitchen, lacing your clothes, lacing your shoes, lacing your hair. But then I remembered that lacing hockey skates has been a very common phrase in hockey for a while.

When I am in the mood for a good hockey game, I don’t want to hear the announcer’s voice saying that I am wearing a lace hockey skates. I don’t want to hear the announcer’s voice saying that I am wearing a lace hockey skates. That is the real problem, though, is that I don’t want to make a big fuss of it. The solution is to get rid of the lacing hockey skates.