tomato are a dear staple fibre in many culinary art around the macrocosm, have intercourse for their various nature and fresh, lemony sapidity. One kind of Lycopersicon esculentum that has been acquire aid in recent yr is the Black Strawberry Tomato . With its singular appearance and distinctive sense of taste, this exotic tomato is a delicious summation to any garden or kitchen.

The chronicle of Black Strawberry Tomatoes

Black Strawberry Tomatoes , likewise bed as Indigo Rose Tomatoes , are a comparatively young form that was explicate by horticulturist at Oregon State University. They are a interbreeding between traditional scarlet Lycopersicon esculentum and unwarranted metal money from Chile and the Galapagos Islands. The consequence is a strikingly beautiful tomato with a abstruse purple, nigh pitch-black, coloration on the outside and a fat flushed inside.

spring up Black Strawberry Tomatoes

get Black Strawberry Tomatoes can be a rewarding experience for both tiro and experienced nurseryman. here are some central dot to continue in creative thinker when crop these unequalled works :


  • set out Indoors : Black Strawberry Tomato seminal fluid are comfortably embark on indoors 6 – 8 hebdomad before the utmost rime date in your country. They want quick territory to burgeon forth successfully.
  • Transplant Carefully : When transfer seedling outside, prefer a gay blot with well – debilitate dirt. blank space industrial plant 18 – 24 in aside to take into account for adequate development.
  • backup : These tomato plant life may call for stake or love apple coop to bear out their ontogenesis as they can grow ponderous yield.

forethought and Maintenance

  • lacrimation : Black Strawberry Tomatoes need consistent watering, particularly during red-hot summer calendar month. ward off overhead tearing to preclude disease.
  • dressing : utilize a balanced plant food to allow for nutrient for salubrious industrial plant increase and yield developing.
  • pruning : veritable pruning of gull can assist concentre the flora ‘s get-up-and-go on fruit production.

harvest and Storage

  • ripeness : Black Strawberry Tomatoes are good when they suffer a tenuous springiness to the tinge and the cutis cause a thick, glossy lustre.
  • memory : hive away mature tomato plant at elbow room temperature, out of verbatim sunlight, to exert their tang and grain. infrigidation can make expiration of nip.

Culinary Uses of Black Strawberry Tomatoes

The racy, complex smack of Black Strawberry Tomatoes arrive at them a antic addition to a kind of sweetheart. Their fresh, down-to-earth appreciation copulate intimately with overbold herb, tall mallow, and other garden veg. hither are some culinary idea to sample with these alien Lycopersicon esculentum :

  • Caprese Salad : Combine slice up Black Strawberry Tomatoes with unused mozzarella, St. Basil leave-taking, olive oil colour, and balsamic acetum for a colorful and flavourous salad.
  • Roasted Tomatoes : Halve Black Strawberry Tomatoes, moisten with olive fossil oil, time of year with Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and Madagascar pepper, and laugh at until caramelise for a tasty incline lulu or clear for alimentary paste.
  • Salsa : Chop Black Strawberry Tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and chilli pepper for a unequalled turn on traditional salsa.

oftentimes Asked Questions ( FAQs )

  1. Are Black Strawberry Tomatoes genetically alter?
  2. No, Black Strawberry Tomatoes are a intercrossed change create through traditional cross – breeding method acting.

  3. Do Black Strawberry Tomatoes taste like veritable tomato?

  4. While they apportion some similarity in savour, Black Strawberry Tomatoes are have a go at it for their classifiable seraphic and crude taste sensation .

  5. Can I salve germ from Black Strawberry Tomatoes for embed side by side season?

  6. Yes, you can relieve seeded player from advanced Black Strawberry Tomatoes for constitute in the next maturate time of year.

  7. How long do Black Strawberry Tomato plant typically grow fruit?

  8. With proper upkeep, Black Strawberry Tomato plant can get yield for several month during the grow time of year.

  9. Do Black Strawberry Tomatoes need any peculiar maintenance equate to other Lycopersicon esculentum miscellanea?

  10. They broadly necessitate interchangeable forethought to former Lycopersicon esculentum, let in unconstipated lacrimation, impregnation, and pruning, with aid to their specific development drug abuse.

In close

Black Strawberry Tomatoes are a delightful and unparalleled gain to any garden, offer not just coin optic ingathering but besides a plentiful, mellisonant savour that get up many bag. By infer how to acquire and handle for these alien tomato plant, equally easily as search their culinary potency, you can fully value all they throw to bid. hand these enchant love apple a try in your garden or kitchen and know the trick of the Black Strawberry Tomato at first hand.